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"Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

3D structure of the uterine lumen and glands  in a non-pregnant uterus


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January 2025: Our research led by Noura Massri on the compartment specific role of Prostaglandin synthase 2 in the early pregnancy is now out in Reproduction. We show that stromal PTGS2 is critical for post-implantation chamber formation, epiblast embryo formation and onset of decidualization.


January 2025: Undergraduate Ashton Powell and CHM medical student Riley Mackay join the lab.


January 2025: Our collaborative research on the role of Retinoic Acid Signaling in decidual angiognesis with Dr. Nataki Douglas is now published in FASEB journal.


November 2024: Our research led by Sameed Khan on segmentation methods for uterine glands in mice is now published in Developmental Dynamics. Our segmentation methods can be applied to other species such as guinea pigs and human endometrial glands. 


November 2024: Trainees Noura Massri, Lisa Zou, Aishwarya Bhurke, Harini Raghu Kumar and Kaylie Chiles present their research at the 2024 Michigan Alliance for Reproduction Technologies and Sciences Conference.


November 2024: Our collaborative research with Dr. Asgi Fazleabas on the role of Yap and Taz in implantation and decidualization is now published in the journal Reproduction.


August 2024: Undergraduate Anish Deshpande, Lipika Murali and Aryan Boruah join the lab.


July 2024: Kaylie chiles is awarded a slot on the RDSP T32 training grant.


May 2024: Our research on the role of Estrogen Receptor 1 signaling in uterine gland branching and glandular Lif secretion led by Katrina Granger and Sarah Fitch is published in Molecular Human Reproduction. 


May 2024: Undergraduate Ria Bramhane and CHM medical student Deaziah Ford join the lab.


May 2024: Our research on imaging uterine contractions during early pregnancy led by Maddie Dawson, Diana Flores and Lisa Zou is published in Biology of Reproduction.


May 2024: Trainee Aishwarya Bhurke receives the Walstrom Family Endowed Women’s Health Research Fund Award. 


May 2024: Our collaborative research with Dr. Anat Chemerinski, Dr. Aimee Beaulieu and Dr. Nataki Douglas, on changes in human endometrial microenvironment during ovarian hyperstimulation is now published in Human Reproduction. We evaluate human endometrial gland structure from functionalis layer biopsies in this study.


January 2024: Undergraduates Tanishka Shenoy, Mia Simone and Curtis Chen join the lab.


November 2023: Noura Massri is awarded a slot on the RDSP T32 training grant.


October 2023: Trainees Noura Massri and Kaylie Chiles present their research at the 2023 Michigan Alliance for Reproduction Technologies and Sciences Conference.


September 2023: Undergraduate student Laasya Koduri receives the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition research scholarship.


July 2023: Lisa Zou is awarded the RDSP T32 training grant.


June 2023: Our collaborative research with Dr. Jose Teixeira and Dr. Emmanuel Paul is accepted in Communication Biology.


June 2023: Kaylie Chiles joins the lab as a Biomolecular Sciences CMB, DO PhD student.


May 2023: Harini Raghukumar joins the lab as a Biomolecular Sciences GGS PhD Student.


May 2023: Our collaborative research with Dr. Asgi Fazleabas and Dr. Renwei Su "Aberrant activation of Notch1 signaling in the mouse uterine epithelium promotes hyper-proliferation by increasing estrogen sensitivity" is accepted for publication in the FASEB journal.


May 2023: Arora lab's first graduate student Manoj Madhavan defends his PhD.


April 2023: Our collaborative research with Dr. Asgi Fazleabas, Dr. Yong Song and Dr. Greg Burns is accepted for publication in JCI Insight.


April 2023: Graduate student Noura Massri's first author review article on "Vascular changes in the cycling and early pregnant uterus" is accepted for publication in JCI Insight.


February 2023: Aishwarya Bhurke joins the lab as a Biomolecular Sciences GGS PhD student.


December 2022: Our research led by Hannah Lufkin and Diana Flores on "Pre-implantation mouse embryo movement under hormonally altered conditions" is accepted for publication in Molecular Human Reproduction.


November 2022: Lisa Zou is awarded a graduate fellowship by the College of Engineering.


November 2022: Lisa Zou joins the lab as a Biomedical Engineering PhD student.


October 2022: Noura Massri is awarded the RDSP T32 training grant.​


September 2022: Kaylie chiles and Maddie Dawson present their research at the at the 2022 Michigan Alliance for Reproduction Technologies and Sciences Conference.


August 2022: The Arora Lab is awarded an NIH grant to study the signaling mechanisms that modulate uterine structure for pregnancy success.


August 2022: Graduate student Manoj Madhavan is chosen for the College of Engineering Withrow Fellowship Award.


August 2022: Our collaborative research with Dr. Nataki Douglas and Dr. Aimee Beaulieu on "Maternal IL-33 critically regulates tissue remodeling and type 2 immune responses in the uterus during early pregnancy in mice" is published in PNAS.


August 2022: The Arora Lab is awarded the 2022 Jean P. Schultz Biomedical Research Endowment Award to create a mouse model for TBX4 syndrome.


July 2022: Trainee Jarrett Lloyd presents his research at Mid-Michigan Symposium for Undergraduate Research Experiences (Mid-SURE).


June 2022: Graduate student Manoj Madhavan's research on "Aberrant uterine folding in mice disrupts implantation chamber formation and alignment of embryo-uterine axes" is published in Development.

Accompanying interview:


May 2022: Undergraduate students Shivani Anandhasenthil and Olivia Slewa join the lab. Jarret Lloyd joins the lab through the MSU SROP program. Michelle Lupa joins the program through the RDSP summer program.


April 2022: May Shen presents her research in UURAF 2022.


April 2022: Our collaborative research with Dr. Margaret Petroff and Dr. Soo Ahn on "Nuclear Progesterone Receptor Expressed by the Cortical Thymic Epithelial Cells Dictates Thymus Involution in Murine Pregnancy" is published in Frontiers in Endocrinology.


April 2022: Trainees Kaylie Chiles, May Shen, Maddie Dawson, Katrina Granger and Manoj Madhavan present their research as poster presentations and Noura Massri presents her research as an oral presentation at the 5th Annual Reproductive and Developmental Sciences Program research day.


April 2022: Our collaborative research with Dr. Lorenzo Sempere on "Intraductal Delivery and X-ray Visualization of Ethanol-Based Ablative Solution for Prevention and Local Treatment of Breast Cancer in Mouse Models" is published in Journal of Visual Experimentation.


February 2022: Maddie Dawson presents her research at the MSU Virtual Biomedical Imaging Symposium.


January 2022: Our comprehensive review article on "Exocrine gland structure-function relationships" led by undergraduate student Sameed Khan and Sarah Fitch is published in Development.


January 2022: Undergraduate students Laasya Koduri, Gladys Kamdem, Sarah Harrison and Nazia Haque join the lab.


December 2021: Noura Massri presents her research at the annual meeting for the Society for the Study of Reproduction. 


November 2021: Our collaborative research with Dr. Franco DeMayo and Dr. Rong Li on "The role of epithelial progesterone receptor isoforms in embryo implantation" is published in iScience.


July 2021: Tierra Foley presents her research at the Mid-Michigan Symposium for Undergraduate Research Experiences (Mid-SURE).


May 2021: Undergraduate student Tierra Foley joins the lab for the summer through the MSU Summer Research Opportunities Program.


April 2021: Madeline Dawson and May Shen present their research at UURAF. May Shen won the best poster prize in the Cell Biology, Genetics and Genomics category. Madeline Dawson's poster was featured in MSU Neighborhoods.


February 2021: Manoj Madhavan and Noura Massri present their research at MSU Virtual Biomedical Imaging Symposium.


February 2021: Our collaborative research with Dr. Margaret Petroff on "Integrins mediate placental extracellular vesicle trafficking to lung and liver in vivo" is published in Science Reports.


February 2021: Our collaborative research with Dr. Jaewook Jeong on "Endometrial epithelial ARID1A is critical for uterine gland function in early pregnancy establishment" is published in FASEB.


December 2020: Our research led by Diana Flores on "Mechanical and signaling mechanisms that guide pre-implantation embryo movement" is published in Development.​


September 2020: Manoj Madhavan presents his research at the 4th Annual Reproductive and Developmental Sciences Program Research Day. 


September 2020: Noura Massri joins the lab as a Biomolecular Sciences CMB graduate student.


August 2020: Undergraduate students Akanksha Kapur and Danna Maryakhin join the lab.


July 2020: Manoj Madhavan, Diana Flores, Sarah David, Hannah Lufkin, Sameed Khan and Savannah Wright present their research at the annual Society for Developmental Biology conference.  


July 2020: Dr. Arora is awarded the March of Dimes Basil O Connor Starter Scholar Award to evaluate how non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs influence endometrial 3D structure and pregnancy outcomes.


May 2020: Undergraduates May Shen and Madeline Dawson join the lab.


May 2020: Our collaborative research with Dr. Xuefei Huang on "Effective atherosclerotic plaque inflammation inhibition with targeted drug delivery by hyaluronan conjugated atorvastatin nanoparticles" is published in Nanoscale.


March 2020: Our collaborative research with Dr. Carmen Williams and Dr. Wendy Jefferson on "Uterine Patterning, Endometrial Gland Development, and Implantation Failure in Mice Exposed Neonatally to Genistein" is published in Environmental Health Perspectives.


November 2019: Savannah Wright, Sameed Khan and Sarah David present their research at the Illinois Symposium for Reproductive Sciences.


September 2019: Diana Flores, Manoj Madhavan and Zach Raider present their research at the Mid-west regional Society for Developmental Biology meeting.


September 2019: Sarah David presents her research at the 3rd Annual Reproductive and Developmental Sciences Program Research Day.


June 2019: Graduate student Manoj Madhavan is selected to participate in the Mouse Development, Stem Cells and Cancer course at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories.


May 2019: Graduate student Manoj Madhavan presents his research at the 2019 Michigan Alliance for Reproduction Technologies and Sciences Conference.


April 2019: Undergraduate students Lindsey Royer, Sameed Khan and Jacob Bloom present their research as posters and Zach Raider and Savannah Wright present their research as oral presentations at the 2019 University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum. Lindsey Royer wins the best poster prize in the Cell and Molecular Biology category.


January-March 2019: Undergraduate students Pooja Gadhiya, Devan Patel, Md Samad and Anna Coronel join the lab.


November 2018: WKAR publishes an interview on research in the Arora Lab.


November 2018: Trainees Diana Flores and Sarah David present their research at the 2nd Annual Reproductive and Developmental Sciences Program Research Day.


November 2018: Arora lab's first PhD student Manoj Madhavan joins the lab as a Biomedical Engineering graduate student.


August 2018: Undergraduate student Sameed Khan joins the lab.


July 2018: Research technician Sarah David joins the lab.


July 2018: Hannah Lufkin presents her research at the Mid-Michigan Symposium for Undergraduate Research Experiences (Mid-SURE).


May-June 2018: Undergraduate students Savannah Wright, Zach Raider, Jacob Bloom and Eleanor Barlow join the lab.


April 2018: Undergraduate student Hannah Lufkin joins the lab as part of the SUPER program.


April 2018: Undergraduate Lindsey Jernstadt presents her research as an oral presentation at the 2018 University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum.


March 2018: Undergraduate Student Jayani Balaji joins the lab.


January 2018: Dr. Diana Flores with expertise in Biomathematics joins the lab.


November 2017: Undergraduate students Maggie Gajda and Lauren Jernstadt join the lab.


September 2017: Undergraduate student Lindsey Royer joins the lab. 


August 2017: Arora Lab opens! 

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